

1. The Foundation is committed to defending and assisting lawyers who are threatened, attacked or killed because of their (human rights) work in various countries around the world. These activities will be continued in full, also after the transfer of the annual organization of the Day of the Threatened Lawyer to a conglomerate of law organizations. To this end, correspondence is conducted with colleagues and organizations on the ground, contacts are maintained with other organizations that work on behalf of threatened lawyers, governments are written to, trials are attended., petitions are (co-)signed. The actual Day of the Endangered Lawyer is supported by several activities to strengthen this event.

2. The Foundation also cares about the families of murdered lawyers. The children of a murdered colleague in the Philippines are financially supported to complete their education, another family whose father, a colleague, was killed is still being threatened and this family is being helped to find a solution. When new families are brought to the attention of the Foundation, the board will decide whether financial support can be provided.

3. The foundation makes effort to support colleagues who have fled to the Netherlands or Europe and to bring them into contact with each other so that they can support each other. To this end, visits are made and meetings are organized or attended.

4. Thanks to the generous support of a church institution, the foundation has sufficient resources to carry out its activities. The funds are in a bank account and are adequately managed by the treasurer. The funds are spent on expenses of the Foundation such as web management and bank costs, on travel and accommodation costs, and on benefits to the families mentioned under 2. The founder makes the secretariat of his office organization pro bono available to the Foundation.

Current policy plan is available here in PDF format (English).


Annual figures

Funding is obtained by donations, grants, subsidies, legacies or inheritances, compensations and other benefits.
The foundation shall have no more equity than reasonably needed for the continuity of anticipated activities that benefit the goal of the institution. The maintenance costs of the foundation are to be within reasonable proportions relative to the expenses that benefit the goal of the institution.

The board of the foundation lays out the financial accountability annually. The foundation was founded in November 2014.
The RSIN (fiscal identification number) is 854527916.
The financial statement of 2016 is available here in PDF format (Dutch).
The financial statement of 2017 is available here in PDF format (Dutch).
The financial statement of 2018 – 2022 is available here in PDF format (Dutch).
The financial statement of 2023 is available here in PDF format (Dutch).



Members of the board are

mr. S.M. Gaasbeek-WielingaChair
drs. H.L.H.M. CustersTreasurer
drs. Annette BoolSecretary

All members of the board are volunteers. This means that they do not receive compensation for their activities.


Committee of Recommendation

prof. dr. L.F.M.Besselinkprofessor Constitutional Rights at the University of Amsterdam, member of the Royal Netherlands Society of Sciences and Humanities
mr. J.H.Brouwerformer dean of the Dutch Order of Lawyers, chairman of the foundation Lawyers without Borders, honorary president of the International Criminal Bar
prof. Bill Bowringlawyer in London, professor at the School of Law, Birkbeck College, University of London, director of the LLM/MA in Human Rights
mr. B. Dittrichformer lawyer and judge in Berlin, former member of parliament, current advocacy director of Lebian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights Program, Human Rights Watch
mr. B. Favreaulawyer in Bordeaux, former dean of the Order of Lawyers in Bordeaux, founder and president of the IDHAE
mr. Wolfgang Kaleckformer lawyer in Berlin, secretary and co-founder of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
prof. P. J. van Koppenprofessor Legal Psychology at the University of Amsterdam


Supporting organizations

The Association European Democratic
The European Association of Lawyers for Democracy & World Human
Vereniging Sociale Advocatuur
Lawyers for
Colombia Caravana UK
European Bar Human Rights
Avocats sans Frontiè
Lawyers’ Rights Watch
International Observatory of Lawyers at
American Bar
International Association of
Council of Bars and Law Societies of
Défense sans frontiè
Fédération des Barreaux d’
International Association of People’s
The Law Society of England and
Geneva Bar


Becoming a friend/supporter

The foundation The Day of the Endangered Lawyer is fully dependant on gifts. Would you care to help us by becoming a friend of our foundation? Feel free to contact us via e-mail:

Being a friend of the foundation The Day of the Endangered Lawyer is free of any conditions or obligations.
The annual contribution we ask from our friends is at least EUR 10,- per year, any higher amount is much appreciated.

Stichting Dag Bedreigde Advocaat
NL84 ABNA0450 3836 28



Foundation The Day of the Endangered Lawyer

Mr. Hans Gaasbeek – coordination
Nieuwe Gracht 5a
NL 2011 NB  Haarlem
(023) 531 86 57